Monday 11 May 2015


The City of Jerusalem!

In 637 CE, the City of Jerusalem, while besieged by the Muslim army, offered a truce. They would surrender the city to the Muslims on the condition that the Khalifa himself came from Madinah to sign the treaty. 

The Khalifa, Omar Ibn Al-Khattāb (radi Allahu anhu), upon being informed of this, set out for Jerusalem on his camel. When he approached Jerusalem, Omar (radi Allahu anhu) dismounted his camel and crossed on foot across muddy ground. Upon entering upon the precincts of Jerusalem, he was seen by the Muslim army as he led his camel holding it by its bridle. They noted that his clothes were patched and muddy from the long journey.

Abu Ubaidah (radi Allahu anhu), the commander of the Muslim army - himself a very pious man - suggested that Omar change his clothes so that the Christians of Jerusalem, who were accustomed to the pomp and grandeur of kings and emperors, do not get dissuaded from handing the keys of Jerusalem over to him. 

Omar (radi Allahu anhu) struck him on the chest and reminded him that they had been a disgraced nation. He said that it was Islam that had brought the Arabs honour and elevated them, so if they were to seek honour through anything else, they would surely be humiliated again. “The only path for success is (to follow) the way of the Prophet (ﷺ)” he said. 

When the people of Jerusalem saw Omar's simplicity, they were struck with emotion and disbelief. Some cried. 

Another narration states that the books of the Christians had foretold of 14 patches on the clothes of the person to whom the keys of Jerusalem would be handed. Omar's clothes had 14 patches on them. 

This is a very important lesson for us. It was Islam that gave Muslims dignity, not pompous entourages, designer suits, name brands, scholarly degrees or adopting the customs and traditions of the non-Muslims. 

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves." (Surah ad-Ra'ad, 13:11)

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