Saturday 9 May 2015

IDERA Mission and Vision!

Ilese Dawah Education and Research Academy - IDERA

Equal Opportunities

Our Dawah Group creates opportunities for the everyone and builds trust between them worldwide. Working effectively with diversity is an essential part of the group's work.

- How much do you love the Prophet Muhammad(saw) ﷺ?
- If you were to reflect on your life, what would be the moments that you’d choose to show your love for him ﷺ?

Why not make your support for our campaign, "Dawah and Islam Propagating" one of those moments!

Through this campaign, we aim to show the world why we as Muslims love the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and why they should love him too.

As Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’an,

Say, [O Muhammad], “If you should love Allah ﷻ [God], then follow me, [so] Allah ﷻ will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah ﷻ is Forgiving and Merciful.” - The Qur’an, Surah ‘Āli `Imrān, Ayah 31

If you want to attain Allah’s ﷻ love, mercy and forgiveness then follow the Prophet ﷺ and help share his message!

Don’t miss this opportunity to get involved and support the campaign.

To coordinate the dawah activities and promote the message of Prophet Muhammad (saw), we will also be:

• Organising national and international dawah activities between time to time.
• Creating and developing volunteer groups and organisations to call people to learn about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
• Distributing specially designed flyers, handbills, tracts and postcards basically on the teachings of the (words of Allah) Quran with various hadith of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
• Sharing educational videos for both Muslims and non-Muslims about the beautiful character and life of the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ
• Delivering free online presentations to everyone explaining why we love Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and why they should love him too.
• Producing video training for Muslims on how to call people to the love of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
• Creating a trending social media campaign focused on Dawah activities and Propagation.


Islam is a religion that is built on firm knowledge and there can be no two views about it. The very first verses that were revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) commanded him to read / recite. In chapter Muhammad (Chapter 47), Allah commanded the prophet (peace and blessings be on him) to know that there is none worthy of worship except Him, The All-Mighty. For any Muslim, male or female seeking knowledge has been made obligatory. For a daee (caller) it is even more essential, since he calls people to Islam, the chosen religion of Allah. It cannot be that a person calls others towards something which he doesn't have knowledge about.

Allah mentions in Quran Chapter 47: Verse 19, the meaning which can be translated as:

So know (O Muhammad Sal-Allahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) that Lâ ilâha ill-Allah (none has the Right to be worshipped but Allah).

The prophet (peace and blessings be on him) said:

Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim
And he (peace and blessings be on him) also said:

Convey from me even if it were a verse

A lot of confusion exists amongst the youth as to who should be performing the great act of Dawah. It is a known fact that many capable youngsters, who have sufficient amount of knowledge on the fundamentals of Islam to be able to invite the people to the worship of Allah alone, are silent and shy away from doing Dawah. Shaytaan (satan), who tries his best to keep the people away from Tawheed (Unique oneness of Allah), whispers in their hearts a wrong notion, that only the Ulema (scholars) are eligible to do Dawah. This is in fact a wrong notion.

At this juncture, it is essential to clarify an important point. To extract rulings from the Quran and the Sunnah, to give verdicts and to deduce/conclude opinions based on the sources are all the right of the Ulema (scholars). The other Muslims should abstain from attempting any of the above. But for doing Dawah, i.e. to call people to the worship of Allah alone, it is not mandatory that the caller should be an Aalim.(scholar)

If one analyses the Seerah (Biography), we can see that numerous delegations used to visit the prophet (peace and blessings be on him) from various places. They used to proclaim the Shahadah, learn Islam from him for a couple of weeks or a little more than that and then return back to their hometown. When they started their journey back, the prophet (peace and blessings be on him) would appoint them his ambassadors to their nations, so that they can call their people to Islam and preach to them.

Therefore, we humbly request those among the youth who have sufficient knowledge on the fundamentals, those that have sat with the Shuyookh (scholars) for so many days and weeks and months, to step out of their shells and start doing Dawah. We ask them not to give in to the deception of Shaytaan (satan), who only wishes to keep them away from doing a highly virtuous act.


Contact us:

T: +234(0)8028307312
T: +234(0)8074028301
T: +234(0)8168343103

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