Wednesday 16 December 2015

JANNAH (PARADISE) and its descriptions

JANNAH (PARADISE) and its descriptions!
Jannah is part of the Al-Gaibiyal (unseen).
No one has ever seen it and yet, we have strong believe in its existence, just like we have belief in the existence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la, the Angels and the belief in the Hell-Fire (Jahanah).
You don't spend money over there - we have towards it as the Quran explains it to us that, "We will pay you back - with that which is better than this life and what's therein - Jannah (Paradise).

Islamic tradition describes heaven as having eight "doors" or "gates." Some scholars interpret that these doors are found inside Jannah, after one enters the main gate. 
Jannah has eight (8) gates, wide opened - Subhanallah - and you will enter from the one you deserve to enter from while some people will be qualified to enter from any of its (8) doors wish they so desires.
Wait a minute... 1. it says that some people will enter from only the one they are asked to enter from without them choosing except the one being instructed to them to enter from.
2. Some people will instructed to pass through from any of the gates they so desires, from either 1 through 8.

The exact nature of these doors is unknown, but they were mentioned in the Quran and their names were given by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

List of the eight doors of Jannah includes:
• Baab As-Salaat
Those who were punctual and focused in their prayers (salaat) will be granted entry through this door.

• Baab Al-Jihad
Those who have died in the defense of Islam (jihad) will be granted entry through this door.

• Baab As-Sadaqah
Those who frequently give away in charity (sadaqah) will be admitted into Jannah through this door.

• Baab Al-Iman
The people who constantly observed fasting (especially during Ramadan) will be granted entry through this door.

• Baab Al-Hajj
Those who observe the Hajj pilgrimage will be admitted through this door.

• Baab Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas
This door is reserved for those who control their anger and forgive others.

• Baab Al-Iman
This door is reserved for the entry of such people who have sincere faith and trust in Allah, and who strive to follow the commands of Allah.

• Baab Al-Dhikr
Those who constantly remembered Allah (dhikr) will be admitted through this door.

The least quota/portion someone will have is described as if we traveled for 2,000 years, we will still be inside the garden - traveling in the garden...2,000 (Subhanallah).

There is no word of dislikes/haram therein, imagine, Haram becomes ZERO (Allah Akbar)... that's why me and you have to hope in the mercy of Allah (swt) and pray that He should grant us this day. Ameen.
Also, in this same Paradise, you'll taste whatever comes to your mind, eat whatever you desires, drink the ever sweetest water (like milk), no excretion, no sickness, no crying, no regreting (Subhanallah) - you'll contunue to feel happy and delighted, but it requires us to have little patient in this world as we will soon go back to our destinations - just little time.

The faces of the people of Jannah (Paradise) will be shinning as full moon - very brighter, each person will have his/her own. No borrowing, no spying, etc.
The gift of Jannah could be given to us only if we can abide by the rules of Allah just for the average 60 - 70 years of trials in this world.
Guess, everyone is ready in sha'Allah.
No one who will not long to enter in this great atmosphere (Paradise), because once you entered Jannah, the Game is Over - enjoyment begins immediately and its forever and ever (till eternity). May Allah have mercy on us all and grant us this Paradise in hope from Him. Ameen. Followings are to be viewed;
1. We have to struggle to harvest the fruits on trees in this world (i.e Cononut tree, Mangoes, etc) but in the Jannah, the tree comes to us itself and we harvest it without any stress.
2. The water also come to you as soon as you feel thirst (Allah Akbar).
3. No anger of Allah Ta'la again.
4. No decrease/increase in age.
5 No death anymore.
Allah Ta'la is so Merciful to us, but are we ready to submit ourselves to him?

Allah (swt) will now ask the people of Jannah according to hadith of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) say; "Have you been granted what we promised you?" They will reply, "Yes - Yes"
Allah Ta'la will ask again, "is there anything you need", they will reply, saying "No, we are okay and pleased with these You have given us". At this point, Allah Ta'la will tell the people of Jannah that He has something to give them - He (The Creator of the universe) will then remove the barrier between Him and the people of Jannah, they will all see Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la for the first time with their eyes....(Subhanallah) - May we be among these people - this turns out to be the biggest gift ever which the Al-Muttaqun (pious, righteous people, etc) will be happy to see in Jannah (Paradise).

Its so obvious that we, including myself, made lots of efforts to gain the Dunya (this worldly life) which never last long without making effort - working towards our Akhira (Hereafter) where we will live forever.
If we're lucky, we'll live little longer.

In a narration of the Prophet (pbuh), Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah: Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said; nothing but Paradise must be begged for Allah's sake.
Abu Dawud Book 9, No. 1667.

Let's read the following;
In this world, Allah (swt) gives us much more trials in order for us to earn more bonus/rewards.
Our Creator (Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la says, "It is far easier to pay for Jannah".
Now, how can we pay for this Jannah?

Here are some tips.....
- Get up for Salah and the conscious of its time ----- Bonus number 1
- Engage in Zakah ----- Bonus number 2
- Speak of what is good always --- (3)
- Don't get angry ---- (4)
- Be kind to both human and animals ---(5)
- Read Al-Qur'an ----- (6)
- If Allah (swt) had placed you in place where there are lots of ladies/women, remember that He is testing you and as well giving you an opportunity to earn more points from Him, just lower you gaze so as to be opportuned to obtain more points.
- Performing Hajj is also a big bonus mark - congrats to those who have fulfiled theirs.
- Our abstaining/protections from all bad habits and certain things are as well adding more bonus to our deeds but we don't know all these can help us on that day.
Why throwing away/missing-out all these opportunities in gaining more bonus.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la says as follows;
To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle. Such is Our reward for those in sin. (Quran 7:40).

And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds, until behold, they arrive there. Its gates will be opened, and its keepers will say: 'Peace be upon you! You have done well! Enter here, to dwell therein.' (Quran 39:73).

Sayings of Prophet from Hadiths also could help us to gain this gifts from our Rabb, see bellow;
Ubadah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "If anyone testifies that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone Who has no partners, and that Muhammad is his slave and His Apostle, and that Jesus is Allah's slave and His Apostle and His word which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by Him, and that Paradise is true, and Hell is true,Allah will admit him into Paradise through any of its eight gates he likes."

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said: "Whoever spends two things in the way of Allah will be called from the gates of Paradise and will be addressed, 'O slave of Allah, here is prosperity!' So whoever was among the people who used to offer their prayers will be called from the gate of prayer; and whoever was among the people who used to participate in jihad will be called from the gate of jihad; and whoever was among those who used to observe fasts will be called from the gate of ar-Rayyaan; and whoever was among those who used to give in charity will be called from the gate of charity."

It is natural to wonder: What will happen to those people who have earned the privilege to enter Jannah through more than one gate? Abu Bakr had the same question, and he eagerly asked the Prophet Muhammad: "Will there be anyone who will be called from all these gates?" The Prophet answered him, "Yes. And I hope you will be one of them."

May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la grant us the gift from His Mercy, grant us ease in this life and the hereafter, grant us the Sabr (Patient) and the love to meet with Him in Paradise....Ameen!

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